Faculty Profile
Dr Md Nazrul Islam
Contact Information
Dr. Nazrul Islam was born in Fukurhati village of Saturia upazila under Manikganj district. He obtained his B.Sc. (honours) and M.Sc. degrees in statistics from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh and joined as a Lecturer in the Department of Statistics at SUST on July 07, 1997. Afterwards, Dr. Islam obtained his PhD in statistics from the Gauhati University, India. He also completed a training program in the Max Plank Institute of Demographic Research (MPIDR), Rostock, Germany and worked as a visiting scholar in the University of Milan, Italy under Erasmus Mundus Felloship program. Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Statistics at SUST.
Post doctoral program, University of Milan, Italy, 2013
Post doctoral training program (MPIDR, Rostock, Germany), 2012
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, Gauhati University, India, 2011
Master of Science, MSc (Thesis group), Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 1993
Bachelor of Science (BSc.), Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 1992
Research Interests
Social Statistics,Mathematical Demography, Demographic Aging
Previous Research Project
1. Quantitative Measure of Healthy Aging in Sylhet City: A Frailty Index Approach, Year: 2018.
2. Biodemography of Aging in Bangladesh, Year: 2014.
3. Health Status and Biological Aging of the Elderly: A Study on the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh, Year: 2011.
4. Quantitative Measure of Elderly Health Status in Sylhet District: A Frailty Index Approach, Year: 2019.
External Affiliations
Life member, Bangladesh Statistical Association (BSA)
Life member, Bangladesh Association for the advancement of Science (BAAS)
Journal Publications
1. Mohammad Meshbahur Rahman, Mohammad Hamiduzzaman, Mst. Saleha Akter, Zaki Farhana, Mohammad Kamal Hossain, Mohammad Nayeem Hasan and Md. Nazrul Islam (2021): Frailty indexed classification of Bangladeshi older adults' physio-psychosocial health and associated risk factors - a cross sectional study. BMC Geriatrics, 21(3).
2. Gowranga Kumar Paul, Mohammad Meshbahur Rahman, Mohammad Hamiduzzaman, Zaki Farhana, Somaresh Kumar Mondal, Saleha Akter, Shayla Naznin, Md. Nazrul Islam (2021): Hypertension and its physio-psychosocial risks factors in elderly people: a cross-sectional study in north-eastern region of Bangladesh. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 18(1): 75–82.
3. Md. Taj Uddin, Ahmad Kabir and Md. Nazrul Islam (2019): Prevalence and Determinants of Psychological Stress of Elderly in Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 33(4)|:381-392.
4. Mahmuda Mohammad , Muhammad Abdul Baker Chowdhury, Md Nazrul Islam , Arifa Ahmed, Farha Nusrat Zahan, Mst Farzana Akter, Shamima Naznin Mila, Tania Akhter Tani, Tanjila Akter, Tanjila Islam, Md Jamal Uddin (2018): Health awareness,lifestyle and dietary behavior o funiversity students in the northeast part of Bangladesh, International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 20180105.
5. Pinto Bushan Datta, Md.Nazrul Islam, Gowranga Kumar Paul (2018): Factors responsible for the health status of elderly people: A case study in Sylhet district, International Journal of Medical and Health Research, 4(4); 72-77.
6. Islam, M.N, Hasan, R and Bhattacharjee, D. (2017): Quantification of Regional Deprivation in Health Service Institutions in Bangladesh, International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(2): 59-72.
7. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M.N., Kabir, A., and howdhury, I. A. (2017): Regional Disparity of Aging Process in Bangladesh. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(2): 7-11.
8. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. Hossain, M.K. (2016): Gender Disparity of Ageing Process in Bangladesh: An Assessment through Decomposing Life Expectancy. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 30(4): 481-490.
9. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. Hossain, M.K. (2016): Spatial Demographic Aging Process through Spatial Auto Correlation and Regression. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4(1): 107-115.
10. Nath, D.C., Sinha, P., Islam, M.N. (2015): Socio-Economic and Demographic Risk Factors on the Onset of Mentally Disabled Elder Population in India, Assam Statistical Review, 29(2): 47-74.
11. Roy, P.S. and Islam M.N. (2014): Proximate Determinants of Physical Fitness Level of Reproductive Women in Bangladesh, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Science), 40(2): 187-196.
12. Uddin, M.T., Huq, A.M., Islam, M.N., and Ullah, M.O. (2013): Trend of Foreign Exchange Earnings by the Visitors in Bangladesh, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 8(1): 19-25.
13. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. and Islam, M.S. (2013): The Speed of Population Aging in Bangladesh, Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics,14(2): 133-144.
14. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2012): Measuring Aging as a Function of Population Momentum: An Application with Bangladesh Population, International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 12: 53-70.
15. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. and Nath, D.C. (2012): A New Index for Measuring Aging Inequality: An Application to Asian Countries. Health, 4 (Special Issue 1): 685-694. Doi:10.4236/health.2012.429108.
16. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2012): A Future Journey to the Elderly Support in Bangladesh. Journal of Anthropology, Article ID 752521, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2012/752521.
17. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N. and Kabir, A. (2012): Demographic Dependency of Aging Process in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 49(3): 209-218.
18. Nath, D.C. and Islam, M.N. (2012): Risk Trajectories of Locomotor Disability of the Aged Indian. Aging: Mental Aspects, Social Welfare and Health edited by Jim P. Heckles and Laura M. Bergin, Nova publishers, USA. Chapter 6, pp. 147-156.
19. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2011): Gender Dimension of Bangladesh Demographic Ageing Process. Ageing Some Emerging Issues: Profiles, Trends and Policy perspectives edited by K N S Yadava and Alok Kumar, Manak Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. pp. 169-194.
20. Nath, D.C. and Islam, M.N. (2011): Spatial Population Ageing in Bangladesh. Ageing Some Emerging Issues: Profiles, Trends and Policy perspectives edited by K N S Yadava and Alok Kumar, Manak Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. pp. 143-168.
21. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2010): Application of Demographic Components for Measuring the Aging Velocity: An Explanation with Bangladesh Context. Demography India, 39(2): 297-313.
22. Uddin, M.T, Chowdhury, M.A.I., Islam, M. N and Baher, G. U. (2010): Status of Elderly People of Bangladesh: Health Perspective. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 47(3): 181-189.
23. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M. N, Alam, M. J and Baher, G. U. (2010): Socio-Economic Status of Elderly of Bangladesh: A Statistical Analysis. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(23): 3060-3067.
24. Ali, R., Ahmed, T., Ahmed, H.U. and Islam, M.N. (2010): Forecasting of Export Earnings of Bangladesh: The Application of ARIMA Technique. Southeast University Journal of Business Studies, 6(1): 101-111.
25. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2010): Measuring Bangladesh Aging Process: Past and Future. Population, Gender and Health in India: Methods, Processes and Policies edited by K.S. James et al. Academic Foundation New Delhi. pp. 153-165.
26. Nath, D.C. and Islam, M.N. (2009): New Indices: An Application of Measuring the Aging Process of Some Asian Countries with Special Reference to Bangladesh. Journal of Population Ageing, 2(1&2): 23-49. Springer.
27. M. Ohid Ullah, M. Jamal Uddin, Dr. M Rahman, M. Nazrul Islam, and M. Taj. Uddin, (2009): A Study to detect the seasonal effect of chickenpox in Bangladesh. Romanian Statistical Review, 12:61-66.
28. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N. and Uddin, M.J. (2008): A study on nutrition knowledge of physicians in Bangladesh: Evidence from Sylhet Data. Proc. Pakistan Academy of Science, 45(4): 185-189.
29. Ahsan, S.M.F., Islam, M.N., Uddin, M.J. and Uddin, M.T. (2008): Statistical modeling of ground water arsenic contamination level of Bangladesh with chemical elements. Journal of Applied Quantitative Method, 3(3): 254-262.
30. Uddin, M.T., Islam M.N., and Ibrahim, Q. I. U. (2006): An Analytical Approach on Cure Rate Estimation based on Uncensored Data. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(3): 548-552.
31. Uddin, M.T., Sen, A., Noor, M.S., Islam, M.N. and Chowdhury, Z.I. (2006): An Analytical Approach on Non-Parametric Estimation of Cure Rate based on Uncensored Data. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(6): 1258-1264.
32. Islam, M.N., Ullah, M.O. and Uddin, M.T. (2006): A Study on Health Status of Urban Pregnant Women in Bangladesh with respect of Body Mass Index and Weight Gain. Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(2): 249-252.
33. Uddin, M.T., Noor, M.S. Kabir, A. Ali, R. and Islam M.N. (2006): The Transformation of Random Variables under Symmetry. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(8): 1818-1821
34. Islam, M.N. and Ullah, M.O (2005) Knowledge and Attitude of Urban Pregnant Women of Bangladesh Toward Nutrition, Health Care Practice and Delivery Place, The Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(2): 116-119
35. Hossain, M.K., Khan M.M.H, Islam, M.N. and Kabir, M (2004): Men’s Attitude and their Participation in Family Planning Program in Bangladesh. Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Science, 41(2): 95-101.
36. Sarker, M, Islam, M.N and Mia, ASM. (2003): Regional Disparities in the Development of Small and Cottage Industry of Bangladesh, SUST Studies, 5(1): 57-65.
37. Islam, Z and Islam,M.N., et al. (2003): Nutritional Status of Children Under Six Years of Age at Industrial Area in Bangladesh. The Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(3): 251-262.
38. Islam,M.N. and Uddin, M.T., et al (2002):A Study on Socio-economic Condition of Rickshawpullers at Sylhet City in Bangladesh. SUST Studies, 4(1): 10-16.
39. Islam,M.N and Alam, M (2001): Child Labor in Rural Areas of Bangladesh. The Journal of Rural Development, 31(1): 47-62.
40. Islam,M.N. and Dhar, S. K., et al. (2000): Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Regression With Empirical Data. SUST Studies, 3(1): 69-74.
41. Islam,M.N. and Dhar, S.K. (1999): An Application of Nonparametric Tests For Three Way Classified Data With Several Observations Per Cell. Journal of Statistical Studies, 19: 17-22.
42. Sarker, M and Islam,M.N. (1999): Regional Disparities in the Development of Agricultural Sector of Bangladesh, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 22(2): 43-56.
1. Islam,M.N. and Miah, S. et al (2003): Distribution of Total Atmospheric Energy at 700 mb Level of Bangladesh, Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2002. 6-9 January 2003, P. 101-105
Book/ Book Chapter
Graduate Supervision
1. Title: Assessing Biological Aging of Urban Elderly in Sylhet, Bangladesh, Year: 2018.
2. Title: Quantification of Regional Deprivation in Bangladesh, Year: 2013.
3. Title: Measuring Disability Free Life Expectancy in Bangladesh, Year: 2013.
4. Title: Health Status and Biological Age of the Elderly of Sylhet in Bangladesh: An Analysis with Frailty Index, Year: 2012.
5. Title: Health Status of Elderly Patients of Bangladesh: A Study from Government Hospitals at Dhaka City, Year: 2011.
6. Title: Physical Fitness Level and Tetanus Vaccination Coverage of Reproductive Women in Bangladesh, Year: 2011.
7. Title: Some Improved Aging Measures and Their Application to the Population of Bangladesh, PhD (co-supervisor),Year:2014.