Faculty Profile

Dr. Mohammed Taj Uddin

Professor & Head

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Statistics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801716348194
  • Email: mtajstat@yahoo.com


Dr. Mohammed Taj Uddin is a Professor of Statistics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). He joined as a Lecturer at the Department of Statistics, SUST in 1997. He became Assistant Professor in 2000. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2007. He became Professor in 2013 and has been serving in the same post till date. He has engaged himself in Teaching and Research after his joining as a lecturer. During this period, he has written more than 40 scientific articles in applied statistics that have been appeared in local and international journals.


  • PhD in Statistics, (2014) Awarded, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
  • M.S. in Mathematics, (2004) Awarded, Concordia University, Canada
  • M.Sc. in Statistics, (1994) First Class (First position)
  • B.Sc. (Honors) in Statistics, (1995) Shahjalal University of Science &Technology, Sylhet, First Class (First position),
  • H.S.C. (Science), (1991) First Division, Comilla Board. M. C. College, Sylhet
  • S.S.C. (Science), (1989), First Division, Comilla Board, Bhukshimoil Secondary School, Kulaura, Moulvibazar

Research Interests

  • Demography
  • Statistical Inference
  • Application of Statistics in Social Sciences
  • Time Series analysis
  • Linear Programming
  • Medical Statistics.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Member: Bio Demography of Aging in Sylhet. Funded by UGC, Bangladesh-2012. HEQEP FELLOW: 2011-2014
  • 2. Urban-Rural Differentials in Nutritional Status of Elderly in Sunamgonj District of Bangladesh Based on BMI: 2019-20
  • 3. Nutritional Status of the Rural Aging in Sunamganj District based on BMI: 2018-19
  • 4. Factors Affecting Socio economic Condition of Nurses in Sylhet Distric of Bangladesh: 2017-18

External Affiliations

  • Dr. Mohammed Taj Uddin is an Adjunct Faculty of Sylhet International University.
  • Life member of Bangladesh Statistical Association (BSA)
  • Life member of Bangladesh association for the advancement of Sciences (BAAS)
  • Life member of Moulvibazar Somitee, Sylhet
  • Life member of 'Central Muslim Sahitta Sangsad', Sylhet

Journal Publications

  • 1. Hossain MK, Islam MN, Uddin MT, Hossain MS (2024). Understanding the Impact of Socioeconomic and Health Factors on Geriatric Depression: A Comparative Study in Rural and Urban Bangladesh. Health Sci Rep. 2024;7:e1849. doi:10.1002/hsr2.1849
  • 2. Uddin, MT and Hossain, S. (2024). Factors Affecting Mental Health Among Slum and Non-Slum Elderly During COVID-19. Indian Journal of Gerontology 38(3): 312-325
  • 3. Rahman MM, Farhana Z, Chowdhury TT, Uddin MT, Islam MZ, Hamiduzzaman M. (2022). High Nutritional Vulnerability and Associated Risk Factors of Bangladeshi Wetland Community People Aged 50 Years and Older. Journal of Ageing and Longevity 2(2):102-112.
  • 4. Z. Farhana, M. M.. Rahman, N., Rahman, M. Hossain, and M. T. Uddin (2022). “Discovering the Change of Major Climatic Elements in Bangladesh: A Statistical Application of Trends, Growth and Variability Analysis”, Mausam, 73(2): 441–446.
  • 5. Md Taj Uddin, Sanjida Hossain, Nesar Uddin Sorkar and Dr Ishmam Ahmad, Md Moshiur Rahman (2022). Determinants of Malnutrition of Elderly Living in Slum and Non-Slum Areas in Bangladesh during COVID-19. Indian Journal of Gerontology 36(4): 530-541
  • 6. M. S. Hossain and M. T. Uddin (2021). Export Trend of Ready Made Garments (RMG) Sector of Bangladesh. J. Sci. Res. 13 (1): 101-110
  • 7. Md Taj Uddin, Zaki Farhana and Mohammad Kamal Hossain (2021). Factors Affecting Sleep Disorder among Rural Elderly in North-Eastern Part of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Gerontology 35(1): 98–110
  • 8. Uddin MT, Akter M, Hossain MK, Raju MA, Noor MS (2021). Urban-rural differentials in nutritional status of ageing in Bangladesh. Int JCommunity Med Public Health 2021;8:558-63.
  • 9. Hossain, MK, Islam, MN and Uddin, MT (2021). Level of Depression and Associated Risk Factors among the Elderly in Sylhet District, Bangladesh. International Journal of Statistical Sciences 21(1):75-94
  • 10. Hossain, M.S. and Uddin, M.T (2021). Export and Trend of Ready Made Garment (RMG) Sector of Bangladesh. Journal of Scientific Research 13(1):101-110
  • 11. Uddin MT, Akter M, Noor MS, Hussain MK, Chowdhury IA (2020). Prevalence and Disparity of Malnutrition among Elderly: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Indian Acad Geriatr 2020;16:145-50
  • 12. Md. Taj Uddin, Ahmad Kabir and Md Nazrul Islam (2019). Prevalence and Determinants of Psychological Stress of Elderly in Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 33(4): 381-392
  • 13. Md. Meshbahur Rahman, Musa. Rahima Begum, Md. Mahmudur Rahman and Mohammad Taj Uddin (2018). Factors Affecting Health Status of Urban Aged Population: Evidence from Sylhet, Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 32(1): 103-118.
  • 14. Uddin M.T., Misty MIA and Farhana, Z. (2018). Determinants of Socio-Economic Condition of the Nurses at Sylhet in Bangladesh. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(1):05-09
  • 15. Farhana Z and MT Uddin, (2018). Change and Instability in Production and Yield of Rice in Bangladesh. Res. Agric. Livest. Fish. 5 (3): 321-326.
  • 16. Abdur Rahman and Md. Taj Uddin (2017). Growth and Instability in Area and Production of Tea in Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural and Soil Chemistry, 1 (1): 6-10. DOI: 10.24896/jasc.2017112
  • 17. Musa. Rahima Begum, Md. Meshbahur Rahman, Mohammad Taj Uddin, Mst. Saleha Akther, Md. Mahmudur Rahman, (2017). Assessment of the Nutritional Status of the Elderly People and its Correlates: A Perception Study
  • 18. Md. Taj Uddin, M. Kamal Hossain, Ahmad Kabir, Md Nazrul Islam (2017). "Scenario of Peak Aging in Bangladesh", International Journal of Current Science and Studies (IJCSS), 1(2): 15-17
  • 19. M. Taj Uddin, Ahmad Kabir Md Nazrul Islam, Dr Iqbal Ahmed Chowdhury (2017). Regional Disparity of Aging Process in Bangladesh. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(2): 7-11.
  • 20. M. Taj Uddin, Md Nazrul Islam, Ahmad Kabir and Mohammad Kamal Hossain (2016). Spatial Demographic Aging Process through Spatial Auto Correlation and Regression. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 4(1): 107-115.
  • 21. M. Taj Uddin, Md Nazrul Islam, Ahmad Kabir, Mohammad Kamal Hossain (2016). Spatial Demographic Aging Process through Spatial Auto Correlation and Regression. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 4(1): 107-115.
  • 22. M. Taj Uddin, Mohammad Kamal Hossain, M. Ohidullah (2015). Growth and Instability in Area and Production of Pulse in Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering 1((4):163-167
  • 23. M. Taj Uddin, Ahmad Kabir and M. Nazrul Islam (2015). An Improved Index for Measuring the Degree of Population Aging. Journal of Aging in Emerging Economics, (Vol-5 (1), July, 2015
  • 24. Mohammad Ohid Ullah, Md. Abu Hasan, Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman, Abul Hasan Chowdhury, Novel Chandra Das, Md Jamal Uddin and Mohammed Taj Uddin (2014). Obesity of Primary School Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in Bangladesh. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5(12): 263-270
  • 25. Mohammed Abdul Baker Chowdhury, M. Taj Uddin and Jamal Uddin (2014). Oil Seeds in Area and Production Variability in Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Quantitative Method, 9(2): 51-57
  • 26. M. Taj Uddin, M. Nazrul Islam & Ahmed Kabir (2013). Measures and Trend of Demographic Support and Dividend of Aging process in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Gerontology 27(2): 280-296.
  • 27. M. Taj Uddin, M. Nazrul Islam, Ahmed Kabir amd M. Shahidul Islam (2013). The Speed of Population Aging in Bangladesh. Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics 14(2): 133-144. [11]. Mohammed Abdul Baker Chowdhury, M. Taj Uddin and Jamal Uddin (2014). Oil Seeds in Area and Production Variability in Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Quantitative Method, 9(2): 51-57
  • 28. M. Taj uddin, M. Anamul Huq, M. Nazrul Islam and M. Ohid Ullah (2013). Trend of Foreign Exchange Earnings by the Visitors in Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Quantitative Method, 8(1): 19-25.
  • 29. M. Taj Uddin, M. Nazrul Islam, Ahmed Kabir amd M. Shahidul Islam (2013). The Speed of Population Aging in Bangladesh. Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics 14(2): 133-144
  • 30. M. Taj uddin, M. Nazrul Islam, Ahmad kabir & Dilip C Nath (2012). A New Index for Measuring Aging Inequality: An application to Asian countries. Health, 4 (Special Issue 1): 685-694. DOI: 10.4236/health.2012.429108
  • 31. M. Taj Uddin, M. Nazrul Islam and Ahmed Kabir (2012). Demographic Dependency of Aging Process in Bangladesh. Proceeding of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 49(3): 209-218.
  • 32. M. Taj Uddin, M. Anamul Huq & A. Baker Chowdhury (2012). Trend and Variability of Visitor in Bangladesh, Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 15(6): 685-698
  • 33. M.Taj Uddin, M.A.I. Chowdhury, M. Nazrul Islam and G. Uddin Baher (2010). Status of elderly people of Bangladesh: health perspective. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 47(3): 181-189
  • 34. M. Taj Uddin, Md. Nazrul Islam and Md. Johurul Alam (2010) and G. Uddin Baher. Socio-economic Status of Elderly of Bangladesh: A Statistical Analysis. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(23): 3060-3067
  • 35. M.T. Uddin and A. Sen (2009). An analytical approach on estimation of cure rate from mixture model based on Type 2 censoring. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, 12(2): 229-241
  • 36. Dr. M. Rahman, M.O. Ullah, M.J. Uddin, M. Nazrul Islam and M.T. Uddin (2009). A study to detect the seasonal effect of Chickenpox in Bangladesh. Romanian Statistical Review nr. 12/2009 (Rom n de Statistic nr. 12/2009), 12: 61-66 (Roamnian Statisticial review, 12, 2009)
  • 37. M.T. Uddin, M.N. Islam and M.J. Uddin (2008). A study on nutrition knowledge of physicians in Bangladesh: Evidence from Sylhet Data. Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci., 45(4): 185-189.
  • 38. S.M.F. Ahsan, M.N. Islam, M.J. Uddin and M.T. Uddin (2008). Statistical modeling of ground water arsenic contamination level of Bangladesh with chemical elements. Journal of Applied Quantitative Method, 3(3): 254-262.
  • 39. M.T. Uddin, M.A.I Chowdhury and M. I. Hossain (2007). Study on Environmental Awareness, Attitude and Behavior of Students of Shahjajajal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, 13(2): 210-215.
  • 40. M.T. Uddin and A. Sen (2007). An analytical approach on non-parametric estimation of cure rate based on Type 1 censoring. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems 10(2): 291-303.
  • 41. Uddin, M.T., Sen, A., Noor, M.S., Islam, M.N. and Chowdhury, Z.I. (2006). An Analytical Approach on Non-Parametric Estimation of Cure Rate based on Uncensored Data. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(6): 1258-1264.
  • 42. Islam, M.N., Ullah, M.O. and Uddin, M.T. (2006). A Study on Health Status of Urban Pregnant Women in Bangladesh with respect of Body Mass Index and Weight Gain. Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(2): 249-252.
  • 43. Chowdhury, M.A. I., Uddin, M.T., Ahmed, M.F., Ali, M.A., Rasul, S.M.A., Haque, M.A., Alam, R., Sharmin, R., Uddin, S.M. and Islam, M.S. (2006). Collapse of Socio-economic Base of Bangladesh by Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater. The Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9(9): 1617-1627.
  • 44. ] Chowdhury, M.A.I., Uddin, M.T., Ahmed, M.F., Ali, M.A. and Uddin, S.M. (2006). How Does Arsenic Contamination of Ground Water Cause Severity and Health Hazard in Bangladesh? Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(6): 1275-1286.
  • 45. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.T., Ullah, M.O. (2006). A Study on the Quality of Nurses of Government Hospital in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 43(2): 121-129.
  • 46. Md. Ismail Hossain, Tahmina Aktar, Mizanur Rahman and Md Taj Uddin (2006). Rethinking the Approaches to Women Empowerment: Bangladesh Perspective. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(5): 1159-1164
  • 47. Md. Ismail Hossain, Tahmina Akhtar and Md. Taj Uddin (2006). The Elderly Care Services and Their Current Situation in Bangladesh: an Understanding from Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(2): 131-138.
  • 48. Uddin, M.T., Islam M.N., and Ibrahim, Q. I. U. (2006). An Analytical Approach on Cure Rate Estimation based on Uncensored Data. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(3): 548-552.
  • 49. Islam, M.N., Uddin, M.T., Ali, R.and Miah, A.S. (2002). A Study on Socio-economic Condition of Rickshawpullers at Sylhet City in Bangladesh. SUST Studies, 4(1): 10-16.
  • 50. Kabir, A., M.S. Islam and M. Taj Uddin (2002). Regional Variations and Contraceptive Norms in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 39(1): 67-74.


Book/ Book Chapter


  • Statistical Inference
  • Linear Programming
  • Basic Statistics
  • Multivariate Analysis
  • Theory of Statistics

Awards & Recognition

  • Recipient of HEQEP fellowship, UGC, Bangladesh, 2011-2013
  • Recipient of TA and RA from Concordia University, Canada, 2002-2004
  • Vice Chancellor Book Medal Award have been obtained at both B.Sc. and M.Sc. level.
  • Merit Scholarship in M.Sc. (Statistics) have been obtained from SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • Merit Scholarship in B.Sc. (Hons) have been obtained from SUST,Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • Merit Scholarship obtained at class (VIII)

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. MS Project: Status, Trends and Predictors of Child Malnutrition in Bangladesh-2015.
  • 2. Measuring the Technical Efficiency of Rice Growing Farmers in Bangladesh: Data Envelopment Analysis and stochastic Frontier Model Approach-2015
  • 3. Health Status of elderly in Bangladesh-2007
  • 4. Md Kamal Hossain, PhD student: Trend and pattern of population aging; potential sociodemographic consequences in Bangladesh (2018-21)
  • 5. Mohammed Mahmudur Rahman, Mphil student: Factors Affecting Air Pollution and Its Impacts on Human Health in Urban Area (2019-2021)
  • 6. Miss Zaki Farhana, MS student: Nutrition and It’s Associated Factors of Rural Elderly in North-Eastern Part of Bangladesh (2018)
  • 7. Momduha Akter, MS student: Urban-Rural differentials in Nutritional Status of Ageing in Bangladesh (2019)
  • 8. Iffat Ara Misty, MS student; Factors Affecting Socio economic condition of Nurses in Sylhet district of Bangladesh (2017)